Barcelona Brand Photographer

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Inspirational Poses - Minimal Personal Branding Photoshoot

We all have been there: confused, lost and a bit shy while trying to get the best shot during our personal branding experience.

If you’re the lucky one that knows where to look, what to do with hands and try to get the honest smile, you might not find this post very useful.

During my photographic career while working with many entrepreneurs I met a very few people that loved to be on the other side of camera and knew exactly what to do.

Professional models, yes, but the rest of the world…not really.

No worries, I got you!

So sit back, breath in and out, relax. Maybe make notes or just pin it to your Pinterest mood board.

We will talk here about few posing ideas for a minimal vibe personal branding photoshoot.

The key as always is to trust your photographer, you can be sure she knows and she directs you!

Use different spaces of the studio, different chairs, sofa, floor… Movement is good, don’t get stuck in one pose, feel the situation, read a magazine, drink your coffee, write if you have your notebook.

Having only few props you can create stunning and editorial looking photos.

Some inspiration:

  1. Comfy Working on a sofa

  • sit comfortable, try to place your leg up, place a magazine/ book or a laptop next to you, immerse yourself in work, reading a magazine or drinking a coffee is always effective

  • lean on the sofa, talk with your photographer a bit and look directly to the camera, these relaxed headshots are priceless

2. Sit on the top of the sofa, why not, show the power and confidence you have.

3. Not so comfy pose on a chair

  • place the chair with the back and try to fit in, you will probably slide a bit, but it is worthy to experiment with this one

4. Use a stool or a box, it’s classy.

5. Explore the floor - can be minimal, or in action as creating a mood board.

Don’t forget to smile and to look at different directions, as you would talk with a friend.

Jenny Gorodetski CEO of HONIC by Julia Malinowska Personal Branding Photographer Barcelona, Spain

Hope that it will boost your confidence and inspiration.

Explore, move and play around.

All above photos are from our stunning & minimal Personal Branding Photoshoot we did in Barcelona with Jennifer Gorodetski a CEO of a skin brand HONIC.

If you are interested in creating stunning content in Barcelona I would be delighted to hear from you. Just shoot me an email at:

Or find me on Instagram: @jul.malinowska.